• Catnip Plants for Sale

      Nepeta cataria

      Herb Growing Tips

      Light:  Full -Part Sun

      Temperature:  Herbaceous perennial hardy in Zones 3 to 9

      Watering:  Water daily until established in it's new home, then they are drought tolerant!

      Soil: Well drain soil 

      Comments:  This plant can be invasive to avoid this remove the flowers before they go to seed.

      Herb Description

      If your cat was into herb gardening, Catnip would be on his or her list of 'must have' herb plants.

      Catnip is a vigorous, high yielding plant that your kitty will love! Tolerant of drought and less than ideal soil, it produces purplish-white flowers. Catnip loves full sun and the leaves and flowers of this perennial can also be used as a medicinal herb, as a gentle antispasmodic and very mild sedative.

      Catnip is non toxic and typical behavior may include licking, rolling, drooling and chasing. Reactions to this herb may vary in cats as this is a hereditary behavior and may also have no influence on senior or very young cats. We also grow Lemon Catnip which has an aromatic lemony fragrance! We are proud to offer catnip plants for sale.

      Also a very potent mosquito and pest repelling herb, Catnip has a variety of wonderful uses from companion planting to even acting as an effective meat tenderizer! The Nepetalactone in Catnip has also been proven by The American Chemical Society to be ten times more effective than the commercial chemical, DEET, in repelling mosquitoes.



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